Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Professional Photography a MUST for Inn/B&B Listings

The absolute most inexcusable thing these days in the real estate business is horrible photos.  For heaven's sake brokers - if you don't take professional level photos yourself, hire a professional to shoot your listings.  This is especially important with Inns and B&Bs because it is a visual business.  Guests choose where to stay based heaving on photos found online - that is why you see the better marketed inns including photos of every room on their sites and usually multiple photos of each room.

Sellers should be demanding this too - you should have high expectations of your broker and expecting high quality professional photography of your property is not too much to ask.  (Of course I have a long list of things that aren't too much to ask including being able to read a Profit & Loss statement, but that is for another time)