Monday, December 12, 2011


Negotiation in the classic diplomatic sense assumes parties more anxious to agree than to disagree. Dean Acheson
I really like this quote. It is so true that in order for a negotiation to be truly successful both sides need to start with the right attitude and both sides have to feel that they won.
A negotiation on an inn sale is particularly complicated as there are two things at work, valuing the business and valuing the home which, in this case, are the same thing.
A large part of the negotiation involves the seller realizing that their business value is the biggest component, this is what banks are going to look at most seriously.
The emotional part of the negotiation kicks in with the living quarters at the inn, are they minimal or are they almost like having a whole additional house? Key here is how much value the current sellers put on this when they were the buyers.
The bottom line is that inn negotiations are different than residential or commercial real estate negotiations. Once again, we see that these unique properties are a hybrid and must be treated by all involved as such.

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