Monday, August 22, 2011

Showings Today

Looking forward to showing inns in Bar Harbor to a buyer I have been communicating with for some time. It is important to know what you want, while staying open minded for things that may just hit you.

The first thing to do is to talk about the overall business, the environment, the available financing etc. Then focus in on a few properties to see if they meet your needs. It is similar to matchmaking. Know your non-negotiables. For me, it is location, potential for growth and condition. I WANT to totally renovate design wise, so the wallpaper, bedding, furniture to me is nothing. I really could not care less how the rooms are decorated. The room in the photo here had a queen bed, a princess canopy in pinks and blues and white furniture - not even done transforming this. For me, that is the fun part. You need to figure out what is important to you.

After the first day of discussing these things, seeing some actual properties for sale, take the time to think things through then regroup and focus.

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